Shuai Gao

It is never too late to learn.

Welcome to my website

Directionary of website

Hey there, welcome to my website! Follow this directory to expolore my very first website. Intro Hey there, I am Leo and I am very excited to present to you the very first website I’ve ever done!...

Cloud Computing Based Application

Interactive visualization of health indicator for every country in serval years

Url: Health indicator analysis Github Intraduction: By using several techs to build the web application to help people who are interested in finding the insight of health indicators of every countr...

Machine Learning

Analysis of recruitment information in Beijing

Analysis of recruitment information in Beijing Introduction The goal of this project is to analyze the recruitment situation in Beijing, China then try to find the information that relates to the ...

Interactive visualization

The relationship between population life expectancy and gross domestic product

The relationship between population life expectancy and gross domestic product Visit the app here Interactive visualization of the relationship between population life expectancy and gross domesti...


Gender diversity analysis of Australia labour force

Gender diversity analysis of Australia labour force Visualization of Australia gender diversity analysis Gender diversity is always one of the hottest topic in Australian business circle. This is a...

Wechat bot

Autorun robot compresses images by Mini Batch K-Means

Autorun robot compresses images by Mini Batch K-Means Look at the code here Using itchat package connect to wechat and recieve picture from friends, by using Mini Batch K-Means alorithm to replace...